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De FIT Methode – Book review

fit method not a diet but a plan book

De FIT Methode

Not a diet, but a plan that works!


The Fit Shop (click here) (affliliate)


fit method not a diet but a plan book

I received this book from FIT themselves to be able to review it. The last year I have been working on controlling my food a little bit more, because I was not eating because I had to but because I liked the food. This is not a bad thing, but I did not feel good with that. I saw my body changing and I wanted to become fit again. Having a diet has never been my way of working, and I think that if you have a diet, you can always get back to the old pattern. Learning about food and sporting might help me to become fit again!

I have to mention that I also decided to look after the amounts that I ate, due to my knee injury. This made me less able to sport. Now that my knees are becoming better I will start sporting again and working on my muscles this summer!

My thoughts

This book can help you becoming fit, by offering you a proper plan. But not only the plan will help you. For me, what I like the most, is the knowledge sharing on food and their nutrition. What good things are to eat, compared to other food items. But also how my body works regarding hunger, cravings, muscles, training, motivation (struggles), etc. The food ares is very interesting for me, they also share some very delicious looking recipes (that I will definitely try soon, so follow me on @yvonne_xx_ for updates!). This book shows that you can eat healthy and delicious at the same time. Something I do support a lot.

I have already learned a lot from this book and if you want to learn about your body, how to work out and what you can eat to be healthy? This book is really something for you. The book does not push you into a certain direction, but provides information and lets you choose yourself. This way everyone can make their own plan and their own choices regarding becoming fit again!

fit method not a diet but a plan book

Not ‘just another book’

Interesting about this book is also that the information is scientifically supported. I study at university, where I have to scientifically support everything too, and I know how important it is to give facts that are actually true. There is also a ‘trainer’ popping up in the book, who gives tips and advice which feels quite personal. Both of these points give me the feeling that this book is made carefully and with the goal to really inspire people and really want to help those struggling with their way to become fit again.


Hopefully I informed you enough about this book and my thoughts on it! I did not want to spoil too much on the information, because whenever you are interested I would recommend you to read the book yourself. Unfortunately for the English speaking reading my blog, this book is only available in Dutch…

If there are any questions regarding this book or anything else, please let me know via email or here in the comments!


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