Studio Bruin

Industrial Design Studio & Photographer

Doing a ‘shop-stop’ – How was it?

The last two months I had done an experiment/challenge with myself. I did not want to purchase any new clothing or other things unnecessary. A “shop-stop”. This challenge idea started when I realized my wardrobe was quite full. My wardrobe grew in the last 4 years due to keeping the same size and caring for my clothing well. I came to the conclusion that I had all items I desired to have for a quite complete wardrobe. Next to having a quite complete wardrobe I was interested too see whether I was able to do a “shop-stop” at all.

Disclaimer: I did receive some pr packages and bought necessities (in my case underwear and a new phone). I also bought presents for others when needed.

.My shopping background.

Let’s start with a statement: I love fashion. Not just to have but also to admire, make and feel. I get inspired by everything I see around me, which follow in new designs for (hopefully) my future label. I never went shopping and bought an extreme amount of items. Usually I bought one to three items and rarely much more.

During my daily life I have to withstand a lot of tension for shopping. I work at a fashion store, with amazing items, and the algorithm knows me. Almost every advertisement I get to see is about fashion.

I also make fashion myself for which I have to buy fabric for example. The last two months I didn’t buy fabrics too and worked with what I already had at home.

.But I did it. I had a “shop-stop”.

Except for underwear and a new phone (since their previous ones broke) I didn’t bought anything new. And I have to say, me and my bankaccount are very proud of that. It was even so that I was able to admire items without the feeling of buying it.

I want to make two side-notes for why I think my shop-stop worked so well. One, I already felt like I didn’t need anything more than I already owned. Second, the last two months of the year are already quite times of gifting and receiving. But still, I received almost only necessary items (kitchen-ware, informative books, and things like that).

The funny thing is, I didn’t really miss it. And therefore I want to take this shop-stop a bit further. I want to progress the stop and take it with me into the new-year. And if I want to buy something new, I want to see if there is anything sustainable (quality, single fiber, ethicality, recycled) to it or if there is a sustainable look-a-like.

My mail subscriptions… Started to sort them out!

.Can you do it too?.

I really believe you can if you actually want it to. Even a friend of mine accepted the same challenge. Even though she is a quite wild shopper. I think that with the right mind-set and your own reason for doing it (withstanding temptation, saving money, doing something sustainable, etc) you can do it!

Feel free to comment below or send me a message on my socials if you are going to do a shop-stop too!

3 thoughts on “Doing a ‘shop-stop’ – How was it?

  1. Leuk zo’n challenge! Ik moet zeggen dat ik sinds de lockdown sowieso veel minder heb gekocht en eerlijk gezegd mis ik het niet. Ik merk nu dat ik het niet nodig heb ofzo (ja oke, ik moet nog wel kijken naar een nieuw mobieltje en nieuwe spijkerbroeken omdat degene die ik heb aan het slijten zijn). Ik geniet nu veel meer van spullen herbruiken, repareren, of een keer de tijd nemen voor de hobby’s die anders blijven liggen (omdat ik normaal gesproken weer wat anders koop)…

    1. Ik had ook wel hetzelfde met minder nodig hebben. Dus vond het ook niet mega moeilijk. En nog steeds gaat het eigenlijk heel goed! Wat voor hobbies heb je weer herontdekt?

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