After almost a year it became normal to work from home. Almost everyone upgraded their home office to be able to work productively. Personally, my student home is my home and office together. This means that if I do not stay organized, my work and private live will blend together.
I received some products from Case Logic to help me with organizing my home office! In this article I will give you some tips that help me to stay organized and to easily switch between my work and private life.
.Cable mess.
I have so many cables for all the electronic devices that I own. And these cables are becoming quite a mess, that could be irritating when needing a specific cable. I have one box where I put all my cables. These include cables I do not need often. But now I have these amazing Case Logic bags, that will help me with keeping my frequently used cables neat. I use the black one to store my day-to-day cables. And I use the grey pocket to organize my hard drive safely.
They have elastics and pockets that allow me to stay organized with my cables. Maybe my division is not yet the best, though I already feel better now my cables that go into my bag and box are neat and separated from each other. The black one above is quite large, but will easily fit any backpack. It is like a loose pocket of your bag that you can take out.
This pocket is way smaller. Perfect for small cables and maybe even a pencil. The looks are also very clean and will fit all desks I believe. It is the perfect size for my hard drive, and now I feel secure to take it with me.
.Hide that laptop.
Seeing my laptop constantly reminds me of work and things like that. And since I do not have a separated office in my home I find it important to store it well. Usually I did this by putting it in my bag again, but now I have a laptop sleeve from Case Logic that fits my home properly and keeps my laptop a bit more safe.
I choose the ochre/yellow color. This color fits perfectly in my home and therefore it is okay if I lay my laptop in a closet for example.
These laptop sleeves come in a lot of different colors and sizes. The case itself is quite simple. It is made from a thick material (a bit foamy) and contains a zipper to open and close the case. But that is actually all it needs in my opinion. With this case I can now take my laptop in almost every bag I own without worrying of damaging it.
.Stay organized, also in your bag.
When I go somewhere to work there (my parents’ home, University, e.g.), my bag is usually a great mess. Sometimes I even have to take out everything to be able to find what I am looking for. Case Logic has some great products to help with that. Take for example the cable cases from above. If I am in need of a cable, I only have to take out that small bag. But Case Logic also offers a lot of different backpacks.
This bag offers great space with the right amount of pockets. I can store my laptop in it and easily access several pockets where I can store my daily needs, cable bag, etc. This bag might even be very useful on vacation! I hope that soon I can test that. But I think we have to wait a little still.
.Clean that table.
Since I eat and work on the same table, I want to clean it when done working. Having a specific spot in your home where you can store your notebooks and laptop would be amazing. But I do not have so much space unfortunately. Therefore I like it to store some things in the bag that I take to work. This bag keeps the items and stuff together, while not bothering me in my other daily activities.
When my work is done, I put the bag at the side and wipe my table clean. This way, my mind and space stay organized. Next to that. Making my home space my office also helps me with staying productive. I know when I am working and I know when I am not.
.Durability and Conclusion.
Case Logic is not only good in having nice products that help you to stay organized. They also give you 25 years warranty. This means that they are sure about the quality of their products and that they should at least can be of service for a quarter of a century.
They are thinking about the future and want to make their company and products more sustainable. One of their goals for that is to deliver quality products (that will take longer) that will support healthy lifestyles as well. This is absolutely great and a good start for a better future.
Since these products arrived at my home, I use them almost every day. I am especially impressed by the black cable holder, since it helps me so much! At first I had the idea that I would never be able to keep everything together. But I am able to! Thank you Case Logic for these amazing products. I think that I will get a great and long use out of them.