Creating an experience in MediaMarkt
I had no prior knowledge about business and entrepreneurship before this project. This was the main reason for me to follow this course. I wanted to know how it is to work with a client and how it is to design for someone else including translating their vision and needs into the design.
For this course we had to use several business tools to create an brand-in-store experience. Nexmosphere asked us to come up with a new way of interaction as advertisement for brand introduction and experiences. In our case we had to introduce Bang & Olufsen into the MediaMarkt. All three companies became stakeholders which all needed to be satisfied with the end result.
During the iterations we used several techniques and learned about the individual stakeholders and their values. With several tools we learned how to translate and combine this information into understandable graphics and files. We realized that with a neat scheme, you can better communicate the ideas with the involved stakeholders.
Activity Course – Designing with and for Multiple Stakeholders
Year 2018
Duration 8 weeks
Prototype miniature explanation model and real life sized knobs
During the rest of the course I learned how to create a neat value proposition and how important that could be for further design decisions. Next to that I learned a lot about complex stakeholder networks with use of the right tools. One of the main things I learned was how to work with a client and how to convince them of your idea. Getting feedback from the client encouraged me to work harder to fit their interests best. In my opinion I managed to use the tools in a right way and satisfy the client. Which was confirmed after the final presentation where the concept from my group was chosen as the best. This presentation was for the main client: Nexmosphere.