Besides the courses offered by the TU/e I am also developing myself outside of the curriculum. I made the decision to be part of a committee: UNID. This is Lucid’s (the Industrial Design study association) magazine. My part of the team is team media, which means that I am delivering/making the photos used in the magazine. I have also been part of the development of the website. Last year I was also part of the podcast team. Within this team we recorded several podcast, which are available on the UNID website.
I learned a lot about working within different groups on different articles and projects. In the end everything has to come together before printing or publishing. By working with so many people I needed to keep deadlines and I needed to be able to translate the vision of the article into a suiting image.

Graphic Design
I am working on graphics during my study a lot. But I also think of, design and develop logos for businesses and blogs. This work showed me how to implement business styles onto a good logo and I learned how to work professionally towards a client.
These are some examples of the things that I made.

Extra courses in fashion
Outside of my curriculum I wanted to learn more about the fashion industry. I took some online classes on fashion and sustainability, provided by Wageningen x Artez. I am currently following a course created by MoMa: Fashion as design. Some more ‘original’ fashion learning is garment making. I make garments for myself for as long as I remember. The last years I taught myself more techniques to become better and better at it.
Fashion has always been a great passion of mine, so therefore I want to learn more about that field too. Also in combination with the knowledge I gain during my studies Industrial Design. I like to combine my knowledge of both fields for amazing new projects.